Archive for February, 2010

Best Zombie Books

Posted in Zombie Books with tags , , on February 28, 2010 by zombieshirts

Our Friends over at have compiled a list of great Zombie Books. However I disagree with their ratings they have there top 5 as follows.

#5 Zombie Haiku
#4 Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection
#3 World War Z
#2 Plague of the Dead: The Morningstar Saga
#1 Day by Day Armageddon

I would have World War Z written by Max Brooks as number one and Day by Day Armageddon written by J.L Bourne as Number 2.

My List
#5 Walking Dead Series
#4 Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection
#3 Plague of the Dead: The Morningstar Saga
#2 Day by Day Armageddon
#1 World War Z


Posted in Zombie toys with tags , on February 28, 2010 by zombieshirts

CAn’t think of anything better than Lego Zombies.. I wish that Lego would actually come out with a real Lego Zombie kit.


LEGO Zombie Jeep

Posted in Zombie, Zombie toys with tags on February 28, 2010 by zombieshirts

Look out Lego ZOMBIE here comes the Zombie Attack Jeep… Two Res-Q squad members, Jon, in the helmet, and Robert Johnson, in the hat. Both where members of the Res-Q squad when the zombies showed up. They are trained in a few weapons, and highly trained in field medicine.
Zombie Jeep

Zombie Cupcakes… Delicious….

Posted in Zombie Food with tags on February 28, 2010 by zombieshirts

Zombie Cupcakes by jamieanne on flickr.
Zombie Cupcakes

Best Zombie Shirt Of All Time

Posted in Zombie, Zombie Clothes, Zombie Shirt Sales with tags on February 28, 2010 by zombieshirts

Zombie Che Guevara T-Shirt Get it at

Express your hopes for the future with the aid of a zomborific Che Guevara, revolutionary hero of Latin American communists and trendy college wankers. Señor Che is printed on a durable Fruit of the Loom tee and suffused with Zombie Tools’ legendary tightness. Che is on the front, ZombieTools logo on the back.

Zombie Shirt